
About Me

My name is James Shute, I have a Foundation Degree in IT from the University of Plymouth, which I completed at Highlands College in Jersey, Channel Islands. For a year and five months, I have been working as a Trainee Web Developer for a Web Marketing company, Webreality. In addition, for two years and 10 months, I have been working as a Junior Web Developer / App Developer for Zuri, a Care Management Software company.

I am diagnosed with Asperger’s Syndrome on the Autistic Spectrum which means at times I have difficulty in communicating with other people and understanding what they are saying. I am a creative thinker and like to come up with new ideas to add in my web work.

Web development is something that interested me at Highlands College. I like the building work that’s involved using blocks of code, and the detail of design that gets used on the websites to make them appealing and user-friendly for all Internet users.
Since graduating from Highlands College in 2014 I have gained some experience at Webreality, I have also developed my skills in HTML5, CSS3, Umbraco, ASP.NET MVC, Dot Less, and C#.

In 2012, I won 1st place 16+ Category for Jersey Website/Digital Content Competition for my walkthrough animation project of the Jersey War Tunnels following on from my National Diploma in IT Course, with a strong focus on creativity and detail to design, animation, and functioning developments.

My Skills

  • HTML5
  • CSS3
  • jQuery
  • JavaScript
  • C#
  • ASP.NET Core
  • Umbraco
  • DevExpress
  • SQL
  • Adobe Flash Professional
  • Adobe Photoshop
  • GIMP
  • Hype
  • Dot Less
  • WordPress
  • Sketch
  • Lunacy

Case Studies

Island Technology

I made this website for a friend of the family - he wanted his website rebuilt with a new design style and to have responsive media queries added in, as his previous website didn't have any. I used Umbraco (version 7.2.8) to make this web build, and my brother Tim Shute did the design images. The functionalities involved in this website was the Contact form, the Slider, and the Search bar. In about 2020, he then wanted the site changed in a WordPress One-page site, so I did as he requested and found some property plugins that I used to add so custom fields in like I did with the Umbraco site for the banner section of the site. 

St Brelade Battle of Flowers Association

I made this website for the Chairman of Association I met at the Model Railway Exhibition in Jersey, through a friend who is a member of both the Jersey Model Railway Club and the St Brelade Battle of Flowers Association. I made the designs of the website using the Sketch application as they wanted a design similar to the Model Railway Club. Then, I built it using Umbraco (version 7.6.5), the special features I used for this website were the accordion sections, the event countdown clock, and the image gallery.

Jersey War Tunnels

A Multimedia project assignment I did when I was on the BTEC National Diploma at Highlands College - it was a Walkthrough animation product of the Jersey War Tunnels, using Adobe Flash Professional and GIMP to redraw the pictures I took during my visit there into an animated design style.


This site I build for another developer who asked me to build for one of his clients, the design was done using the "Appy" template that was purchased from the Envato Market website, and I implemented the latest version of Umbraco at the time (version 8.16.0), and the features that were used in the back-end area of the site for editing were: Nested Contents and the Multiple Image Pickers.

Jersey Care Federation

This website is the first one I built using Umbraco (version 7.2.8) when I first started working for Webreality. This was a new web build that has the randomisation of four members listed in the "Our Members" section near the bottom of the website.

Beaumont Structural Consultants

This website was rebuilt using the original design Beaumont Structural Consultants used for their first one that lasted from 2013 to 2014. This website was built using version 7.2.8 of Umbraco CMS.

RNLI Jersey

This site was built to have Red Alert messages displayed on the Slider section of the Home page when severe winds or high tides are near Jersey, also to show four most recent News/Events pages on the "News & Events" page and archiving the others to the "Archive" page. This website was built using Umbraco (version 7.2.8). Then sometime in 2018 or 2019 the structure and design of the site changed.

Brighter Futures

This site was built using version 7.3.1 of the Umbraco CMS system, the features involved in this website that client wanted were: to have the latest single tweet feed from their Twitter page displayed at the bottom of the website in a different design style than the usual design Twitter offers, the animation of the banner text box in the opposite direction to the banner images, and the search functionality using a javascript file called "search.js". Then sometime in 2018 or 2019 the structure and design of the site changed.


This website was a brand new web build using version 7.3.1 of the Umbraco CMS system, as the client wanted a website separate from their main Jersey Electricity website. The features that were used in the website were: the contact form on the "Contact" page, and the search functionality using the "search.js" file.

Pain Support Jersey

This website was a brand new web build using Umbraco version 7.3.1, the features the client wanted, that I implemented were the Contact form, the web search functionality using the JavaScript file "search.js", and the listing of the upcoming events - that would disappear from the listing when the date has gone by.

Vienna Bakery

This website was a rebuild with a new design as the original was outdated and the client wanted new features added to it the the old system couldn't get before. The features involved that I did for this website were: the search functionality using the "search.js" file, the Parallax banner images that scrolls up showing more of the image concealed in an HTML div element, year hyperlinks for the Baker's Blog so the user can access blogs from a specific year, and a Contact Form on their Contact page.

Whitmill Trust

This was a new website build using version 7.3.5 of Umbraco CMS system. The features that were requested by the client I added in were the filtering section on the Team page and the News page, the infinite scrolling function on the News page, and the mega dropdown menus on the Top Navigation area of the site.

Acanthus Park

This build was the first one page website that I built at Webreality using version 7.4.1 of Umbraco - the other pages listed under the Home page would display on the main page as sections. The special features that I included for this web build were: the news articles opening in separate modal boxes using the Remodal jQuery file, and the tab boxes in dividing the plans into different readable sections. The site was removed for unknown reasons.

Angora Group

This website was a brand new web build using Umbraco version 7.4.3. The special features I added to this website that the client wanted was: the search functionality (using the "search.js" JavaScript file), the Magic Line hover and active effects for the Top Navigation links, and the Google Maps on the "Our Locations" sections and the "Locations" page - showing all the cleaning services that are related to Angora in Jersey.

Les Ormes Sports

This website for Les Ormes was a brand new build that would be different from their websites such as Resort Self-Catering, and Winter-Lets. This web build was done using version 7.4.3 of Umbraco, the web languages that I used for this site were: HTML5, C#, ASP.NET MVC, CSS3, Dot Less, jQuery, and JavaScript. The features that I added to this website were: the text and buttons appearing with a black transparency background on the module boxes when the user hovers over them, and the banner on the Home page. Then sometime in 2018 or 2019 the structure and design of the site changed.

d'Auvergne School

This was a new website build I did d'Auvergne School at Webreality using version 7.4.3 of Umbraco, The features I used in this site were: the CSS transition hover effects on the button hyperlinks and the box modules on the Home page, also on the right-hand side of the web page, and the search functionality (without using the "search.js" file).

Jersey Cancer Relief

This web build was a brand new build using Umbraco version 7.5.2 system to make it, the special features the client wanted that I added in were: CSS3 button hover effects, the Magic Line link active and hover effect for the Top Navigation area, the module hover effects on the Home page, and the Contact form.

Health Point Clinic

This web build was a rebuild as the client wanted a better design than what they originally had. I used Umbraco version 7.5.3 and I used Partial View cshtml files to load in sections to different template pages. The features I added to this website were: the search functionality (without using the "Search.js" file), the mobile navigation to slide in from the left when opening it and slide to the right when closing it, the Contact form, the collection of the tags and displaying them on the Main Blog page as hyperlinks, the Health Condition pages sorted in alphabetical order, and the button hover effects.

La Moye School

This web build was a rebuild as the client wanted a new design style and some animation features added to it. I used Umbraco version 7.5.3 system to make the website along with using HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript. The special features that were added to this website were: the News tag filter bar, the animation of the individual school equipment images sliding onto the page from the left or from the right, the infinite scroll loading of child pages in the Clubs page and the News page, and the Image Galleries of events involving the School using the LightGallery and LightSlider jQuery files. The site was removed for unknown reasons.

Nerine Fiduciaries

This web build was a brand new build using Umbraco version 7.5.3, the features involved that I did for this website were: the search functionality (without using the "Search.js" file), the animated banners for the individual pages (the banners were first made using Adobe Flash Professional that the client asked another company to do, then I used another website to turn the files into JavaScript files), and the map pin point selector that displays the Google Map and address details of the individual offices the client has.

Fitzroy Tax Services

This was a new web build I did and it was a one page website I built using version 7.5.3 of Umbraco. The special features the client wanted that I added in was: a Team Rotator using the "lightSlider" jQuery plugin (a section were three members of the team are displayed then the next one appears from the right, the centre team module would be highlight in purple-red background colour and it would be set on a time when to rotate the modules around), an accordion section for the individual services on the "Services" page, the text colour hover and active effect for the navigation links, and the Contact form.

Arrowsmith Marlowe

This website I did was cloned from the Angora website, using the same Umbraco system, web languages, and features but aimed a cleaning services that provided in Guernsey.

Channel Ship Services

This website I built for Channel Ship Services was a brand new web build using version 7.5.3 of Umbraco, the features that I added in were: the CSS button hover effects, the different heights of the grid modules for the "Team" page, the size increase of the grid modules when the user hovers over them.

DeVo (Decentralized Volunteering)

This MVP website I helped to build with Cyber Digital Systems Ltd. for a hackathon competition, that can give everyone and anyone the chance to set up charity projects online, and get lots of volunteers to join and donate for good causes, such as beach clean-ups and tree planting.

Contact Me